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5 Popular Bartending Myths

5 Popular Bartending Myths

By Wally Rohde

One of the most common movie scenes is the protagonist/antagonist is spilling their life secrets to a bartender who sympathetically gives them life-saving advice while tactfully juggles the many orders.
However, when you enter a bar and see a real-life bartender, you realize it’s just a myth. Here, we debunk the five most popular myths about bartending.

It is a side gig

While it’s true that a lot of bars do not offer health insurance, bartenders typically earn more money than our peers while working half the time.

It’s also true that some people choose to tend bars as a side gig or are biding time until they get another job. However, it is not the case with every bartender. Some people are passionate about bartending, and they attend a bartending school before joining a restaurant or bar. Full-time bartending is a respectable stand-alone career. The possibilities of career growth in bartending are endless, just like other career options. A few skilled mixologists even earn six-figure incomes.

It’s a job only for guys

Bartending is often associated with a guy serving drinks. It has taken several fictional characters such as Marion Ravenwood in Indiana Jones or Guinan in Star Trek to change popular perception. Men may have dominated the space in the bygone era. But as of now, over 53% of bartenders are female, claims a Bureau of Labor Statistics report of 2019.

It’s glamorous

From a distance, tending a bar seems fun and exciting. But the reality is quite different. Bartenders need to be skilled and attentive. They can’t spill drinks, need to keep track of everyone’s orders, and tactfully handle drunk customers and difficult situations. They also have to multitask throughout their shift—lifting heavy bottles, cleaning, restocking, mopping floors, and picking up broken glasses.

It’s easy money

Most of us have, at some point, dreamed of working as a bartender or a pizza delivery guy because the job seems fun and an easy way of earning cash. However, bartending is anything but easy. You will have to work long shifts and be on your toes throughout.

It’s an endless party

Bartending is fun, but it’s still work like any other job. Bartenders are on their feet for hours, mixing drinks, serving tons of customers, cleaning counters, handling drunken brawls, and working the cash register. It is a career for many, and it involves high levels of professionalism.

About A+ Server Education

If you are interested in becoming a bartender because you’re passionate about it, you must take A+ Server Education’s state-approved online alcohol service/seller training course. Rather than wasting time and money going to a classroom, you can complete it in one sitting from the comfort of your home.

You will get a certificate after completing the course, which will increase your chances of acquiring a job. We have an easy-to-navigate software that will take you through the course, and our support staff is available even during off-hours and weekends to solve any queries. You can get in touch by calling us at (877) 740-5509 (toll-free) or (503) 740-5509.

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