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4 Things You Shouldn’t Mix with Alcohol

4 Things You Shouldn’t Mix with Alcohol

By Wally Rohde

According to research by the American Addiction Centers (AAC), over 55% of the population mixes everyday OTC meds with alcohol. It’s because people ignore the fine print on many FDA-approved over-the-counter substances that says: “Do not take with alcohol.” Mixing medications and other substances with alcohol have severe repercussions.

Here are four things you shouldn’t mix with alcohol:

  1. Energy drinks
    Energy drinks mixed with alcohol can be dangerous as caffeine reduces the perceived intensity of intoxication. Energy drinks can mask the effects of alcohol, which may cause you to over-drink.

    According to the Centers for Disease Control, those who mix energy drinks and alcohol binge drink more often, exposing themselves to a higher risk of alcohol-induced injuries. It can cause people to engage in reckless activities like driving under the influence and getting into fights.

  2. Morel mushrooms
    Morel mushrooms are famous for their meaty texture and earthy taste. Food lovers enjoy the wine-and-morels combination with white and red wine. However, morels like any mushroom can cause allergic reactions and upset stomach, especially if the mushrooms are under-cooked or eaten raw. Consuming them with alcohol can cause nausea or vomiting.
  3. OTC pain relief medicines
    Taking any over-the-counter pain relief medication like Tylenol and Ibuprofen with alcohol can lead to stomach bleeding, upset stomach, or ulcers. According to Ashwood Recovery, frequently mixing OTC pain killers and alcohol can have severe repercussions like nausea, stomach bleeding, ulcers, and a rapid heartbeat.

    You must also avoid taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) with alcohol as both are broken down in the liver. However, the liver can’t deal with acetaminophen when breaking down alcohol. This leads to drug build-up in the body, which can cause severe liver damage.

  4. Marijuana
    At least 20 U.S. states permit marijuana for medical use and only two allow it for recreational use, but that doesn’t make it safe to consume with alcohol. The combination of marijuana with alcohol can lead to tachycardia. A state in which the resting heart rate goes higher than 100 beats per minute, blood pressure increases, and so does the impairment of cognitive skills, motor skills, and driving performance. According to AHA, the rise in heartbeat, blood pressure, and cognitive impairment is higher in such cases than isolated use of either alcohol or marijuana.

    A study by researchers at Maastricht University found that both low doses of alcohol and THC moderately impaired driving performance when administered alone. However, when combined, the effect on driving performance was severe.

About A+ Server Education

If you wish to excel at bartending, you must know about the dangerous alcohol combinations to ensure the safety of your customers. You can learn more about alcohol safety and bartending with our online training certificate course.

At A+ Server Education, we provide state-approved online alcohol certification classes you can take from the leisure of your home. Enrolling is simple—go to our website, click on your state, sign up, take online classes within 30 days, and get certified. Our technical support staff is available Monday thru Friday. You can call us at (503) 740-5509 or (877) 740-5509 (toll-free) to know more or click on our support link on the top of the page.

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